Physical Therapy Videos Put Together By Real Orthopedic Specialists To Help You Recover And Stay Injury-Free.
Strengthen the muscles that move and support the joints of the lower extremities.
This exercise is intended to restore or enhance agility while also working to strengthen the muscles that move and support the joints of the lower extremities. The anatomically designed pressure relief zones in Bauerfeind’s ViscoSpot® heel cups may aid in relieving foot and heel pain.
You will need an exercise step or similar object to perform this exercise. While facing the step, stand upright on feet spread hip-width apart. Place one foot on the step with the other on the floor, spring up with both feet to switch their positions.
Adjust your pace according to your ability and repeat as instructed or tolerated.
This information is provided for general information purposes and should not be relied on as a substitute for medical advice, evaluation or care from a qualified and licensed health care provider. The information contained here is not to be considered a plan of care of physical therapy.